TRÜ HOPE creates programs for a range of clients, using a variety of mediums, all of which showcase how applying the science of the TRÜ HOPE TRIFECTA can change the reality for those who struggle with anxiety, depression, drug and alcohol dependency, disengagement, discouragement, heartbreak, trauma, or even the struggles of day to day life.
TRÜ HOPE's mission is to redefine hope for the masses. To get people away from seeing hope as an emotion or a feeling, and get them seeing hope as a science. More importantly, inspire them to apply the knowledge of our researched-based model, using the identifiable, measurable components that are both malleable and learnable. We call those components the
and when our clients uncover the TRÜth about hope, their lives are never the same again.
Spend an hour with Jeremy Bates, and life becomes different. Something about the way he walks through life and the way he sees the world is contagious. A self-described addict of potential, disbeliever of convention, and dealer of the science of hope, Jeremy has made a life of redefining possibility for himself, his family, and the hundreds of thousands of people who have experienced his programs
The O.G. TRÜ HOPE Dealer:
Check Jeremy's upcoming TRÜ HOPE Summit, in Stockton, CA.
RAZA is an independent Hip Hop artist from Auburn, CA. His music comes from his life experiences with fatherlessness, the foster system, abuse, homelessness, and addiction. As a young boy, he was removed from his parents due to their drug abuse and incarceration. RAZA was placed with a new family — one that could not be truly called that at all. Continually abused while living with his adoptive parents, he ran away at 15, emancipating himself, and was left to figure life out on his own. Not having anyone to call family, or knowing any other way, when his struggle worsened, he fell into addiction.
That addiction led him to a hospital bed fighting for his life. It was at that moment that RAZA found hope in the darkest place inside him. He grabbed on tight, and it pulled him out of that darkness. Now he uses his passion for music to perform, and speak as a TRÜ HOPE Dealer letting everyone know that HOPE is always there even when you can’t see it.
Raza guest stars with Jeremy in their popular program, HOPE 'N' HIP HOP, but also provides keynotes and workshops. If you'd like information on booking Raza, please click here.